Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Its Been A While!

So I kind of forgot that I had this blog for a while, I'm so bad at this and time just flies by so quickly! Where to start...Well, Not a lot has been going on with us! This past fall Kyle had been getting steriod shots in his lower back because of his 2-3 bulged discs that he has to see if that would fix him! apparently they didn't do a thing! He recieved 3 sets of shots, but now he has to go to a specialist next week to talk about surgery..not fun! 11 days ago we moved into our little rental house and we really enjoy it! its on a busy road, so I'm trying to get used to it! Kyle grew up down the road from our place on the same street so he is used to the traffic! it's nice being close to family, well its all his family! anyway, our lil Kaycee dog has a really bad knee so we are taking her in on Saturday to have x-rays and have them look at it, poor thing! it has started popping and doesnt sound good! Also the other night she kept shaking her head and it woke me at 4 am, so I got up and looked at her ear, it was so red and really bothering her so I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and cleaned it the best I could with cotton balls, she hasnt shaken her head near as much! Well that's about all for now, I'll try harder at blogging more often!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So behind, Anniversary, etc...

So I had forgotten my new blog address that I had changed when I restarted the blog, so that's why I haven't posted anything else, and I just haven't made any time for it cause noone reads it anyways! Well life has been a whirlwind within the last couple of months, Kyle lost his job in June but a guy that folds newspapers next to us told Kyle that he should apply where he has worked for 12 years! So Kyle did just that and bam, he got hired on with this company called , they do heating elements kind of like the coil stoves (coil burners) they do several different sizes of them etc.. This job is soo much better because its a DAY job! his hours are 7 am to 330 pm with Sat-Sun off and all Holidays off which he never had at the last job. It has been wonderful to have him home in the evenings, except the pay is less, but we are makin' it! Anyways, a couple of weekends ago we celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary! I can't believe its been 5 years already, time sure flies! We went to dinner on Saturday night to a resturaunt called Taggert's Grill, its amazing food! Thats pretty much all we did cause of dang newspapers, but it was fun to be together! This past weekend we had a family reunion for my family and my parents hosted it, well last Tuesday my dad had neck surgery so he couldn't do much and my mom had a migraine, so Kyle and I ran the show! It was pretty fun and it was so good to see family and catch up on our lives! anyways, thats pretty much it for now! Luv ya'll!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Starting over...

Well It has been a while since I last posted so I decided to delete everything and start fresh but do better at keeping up with the blog! It gets difficult when you don't have much of a life and have nothing to blog about! So we will work on that! Here are some pictures.. This is Kaycee after I gave her a bath a couple weeks ago..she wasnt much of a fan! but she did soo good!

I recently joined Lady fitness and I love it!
Kyle gave me this Ipod for my Birthday! I love it!

Yes allergy season has arrived, poor Kyle! and I might start having them soon too!